Using Zoom Annotations on iOS (iPad)

Ensuring Annotations are Available

If the learner is using an iPad or other iOS device, do the following:

  1. When in the Zoom meeting, the parent should click Zoom’s “share” button on the Zoom toolbar. This should open a list of apps that can be shared. 
  2. The parents should NOT select “Screen”; instead they should scroll down to and select “Website URL”
  3. Have the parent enter 
  4. With the screen shared, the tutor should be able to turn on annotations by clicking the “view options” menu at the top of their window and selecting “annotate.”

If Annotate does not show as an option for the tutor: 

  1. Have the parent click the screen to display their Zoom toolbar.
  2. Have the parent scroll the toolbar all the way to the right and click "more" (the button with the 3 dots). 
  3. Tell the parent to select “meeting settings” and enable annotations.
  4. The tutor should now be able to see the annotate option in the “view options” menu.

Troubling Shooting

If the normal annotation button is not available and you’ve followed the steps above, it is likely because there is a setting somewhere that needs to be changed. Check the following in Zoom:

  • Ensure the meeting host hasn't disabled annotations. 
  • In the Zoom settings found on, annotations must be enabled (this should only apply to the meeting host, but make sure all meeting participants have it enabled just in case).
  • Zoom must be downloaded (either the app on tablets or Zoom desktop client app on computers) and reasonably up to date
  • If none of these steps solve the problem, contact support.
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